since weekend lagi rase sakit cam nak period gtu...
tapi x de take any actions sbb me n luv sgt la bz (bz resting!!!! heheh)
tapi rini sgt la tak tahan.....i cant even complete the course..terpkse bitau trainer aku dah tahan..uhukss
luv pick me @ 12.45 and heading to sdmc....
sampai sane mmg perut aku dah rase sakit sgt...n doc suggest tuk wat ctg..
bile result kuar....mmg ade minor contraction....BUT ade URINE INFECTION lak..
mula la doc bebel kat aku,,,,uhukkss...air tak minum las...tak jaga timing g ladies las..ishh ....aku mmg dah risau...tambah risau bile tgk muke luv yg tak puas ati ngn aku...hehhe...mmg mmmg saya mengaku sy jarang minum air kosong...uhukkss...
tp alhamdulillah baby ok..position betul..air cukup...placenta pom cantek! (doc bitau ek)...
n masuk kete trus kene bebel kat en luv...haaaaihh dengar ajo lass...
here some fact about the urine infection; for mummies to be (out there!) sile la baca yea..hhehe
What is a urinary tract infection?
Most people use the phrase urinary tract infection (UTI) to refer to a bladder infection — that is, a bacterial infection that causes inflammation in your bladder, often triggering symptoms such as a frequent urge to urinate and a burning sensation when you pee. This condition, also called cystitis, is fairly common among sexually active women between 20 and 50.
But bacteria can infect any part of the urinary tract. The urinary tract starts at the kidneys, where urine is made. It continues through tubes called ureters to the bladder, where urine accumulates until you're ready to pee. And it ends with the urethra, a short tube that carries urine outside your body.
An infection occurs when bacteria from your intestinal tract travels from your rectum up your urethra to your bladder, where it can cause cystitis or just continue to multiply in your urinary tract without causing any symptoms (a condition called asymptomatic bacteriuria). In either case, the bacteria may continue to travel up the ureters and cause a kidney infection, a serious condition that can lead to premature labor and other complications.
What can I do to avoid getting an infection?
Take these steps to minimize your chances of getting a UTI:
• Drink plenty of water, at least eight 8-ounce glasses a day.
• Don't ignore the urge to pee. And empty your bladder completely when you urinate.
• After a bowel movement, wipe yourself from front to back to prevent bacteria in the stool from getting near the urethra. Keep your genital area clean with mild soap and water.
• Clean your genital area and pee before and after sexual intercourse.
• Drink cranberry juice. Studies show that cranberry juice can reduce bacteria levels and discourage new bacteria from taking hold in the urinary tract. (Drinking cranberry juice won't cure an existing infection, though, so if you're having symptoms, you still need to see your practitioner right away to get a prescription for antibiotics.)
• Avoid feminine hygiene products (sprays or powders) and strong soaps that can irritate your urethra and genitals and make them a better breeding ground for bacteria. And don't use douches during pregnancy.
• Wear all-cotton underwear and cotton-crotch pantyhos
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