Monday, February 22, 2010

::jr's bedding stuff::

as we had decide dun want to buy bb cot tuk our jr..we had earier buy the latex mattress...
actually bkn xnak bb cot but due to our room sgt la curve mmg xleh la letak d bb cot..sempit n mmg xcukup space for us..
we had plan to put the mattress on the top of the day bed inside d room..konon2 to jimat space..
n to custom made the railing so dat jr xakan fall down..n not forget to tinted d mirror ~xler jr panas...

tp impian aku hancu bile jer tau the railing sgt la mahal..tu xcmpor lagik ngn tinted cermin tingkap okayh..isshh mmg no budget for jr's bedding kalo terlalu high....

but last two weeks,we went to ikea..saje cuci mate...n terpandang satu bb cot ni..the new one....n surprising the cot look small n just fit our room..~~actually teruja sbb sgt murah~~trus pujuk en luv to but the cot...mase tu mmg i dah buat xdgr bile en luv inpom our mattress is big than the cot..i still insist ncm biase berjaya gak tuk membelinye..he he he...

balik umh trus pasang d cot n sib baik the matress tu latex so boleh la pakse2 to fit d cot..wiwiwi..mmg bilik jadik sempit sgt n en luv letak d cot on top of d day bed..tunggu jr kuar br pk blik to put beside our katil or stay kat atas day bed atas day bed pom look niceeeeee~< skrang dah settle pasal jr's bedding....
our first plan yg costy tu telah disettlekan dgn new item fr ikea ni..time kaseh ikea...hehehhe

kipas ni pom da beli..nk kene beli aksesories ckit ajo lgk..hehe

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